Page 7 - 3481_2023 總監月刊_12-1月合刊_電子書
P. 7

國際 RI 與總監事務 5

            Light the path out of dark days               Positive Peace, addressing the underlying
                                                          causes of conflict, including poverty,
                                                          discrimination, ethnic tension, lack of access
               n difficult times like these, it’s impossible   to education, and unequal distribution of
            I to avoid feeling heartbroken over the       resources.
            devastation and loss of life caused by war      Rotary members who wish to wage
            and destruction.                              peace can use district grants and Rotary
               Rotary always stands against harming       Foundation global grants to support
            and displacing civilian populations and       projects with other Rotary members that
            using armed aggression instead of pursuing    help refugees and displaced people, provide
            peaceful solutions. We advocate for the       medical support, and more worldwide.
            observance and respect of international law.   Members can also work with or join peace-
            We believe in strong action to defend and     focused Rotary Action Groups, Friendship
            promote peace, even in the darkest of times.  Exchanges, Fellowships, and intercountry
               But we also take our position as an        committees. And District Designated
            international, nonpolitical, nonreligious     Funds or district cash can support our
            organization seriously. To respect the        peacebuilding and conflict prevention
            global perspectives and experiences of our    efforts.
            members, and to work most effectively in        Members and nonmembers alike can
            our peacebuilding efforts, we do not choose   learn more about peacebuilding through the
            sides in conflicts.                           Rotary Positive Peace Academy, a free online
               Rotary is made up of 1.4 million people    course available to anyone with an internet
            in communities all over the globe who are     connection. You can find it at positivepeace.
            united in our commitment to building a        academy/rotary.
            peaceful world. We strive to ensure that our    There is no denying that incidents of
            words and actions prioritize the health and   violence and atrocities being perpetuated
            safety of our global membership and the       around the world seem to be escalating.
            communities where we live and serve.          Global peace is fragile, and the stakes are
               Our members seek to offer humanitarian     getting higher.
            assistance to those affected by conflict, and   Still, we know that it is possible to bring
            our global reach requires that we promote     all people together to work toward a shared
            peacebuilding and conflict prevention with    goal. Rotary members do so every day in
            cross-cultural, cross-border connections and   every part of the world. May our ability to
            friendship through Rotary.                    unify in common purpose be a spark that
               For decades, Rotary has harnessed these    helps light the path out of these dark days.
            connections to carry out service projects,      Together, let’s Create Hope in the World.
            support peace fellowships and scholarships,
            and establish programs like Rotary Peace
            Centers to help build lasting peace. Our      GORDON R. MCINALLY
            members also take action to promote           President, Rotary International

                                                                                    2023. 12-1  總監月刊
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