Page 17 - 3481_2023 總監月刊_10-11月合刊_電子檔
P. 17
地區事務相關 15
Finances OUR REACH
The Board 4. Advance actions to cultivate diversity,
approved a 2023–24 budget of US$125,346,000 equity, and inclusion in our clubs and the
total revenue, $128,073,000 total expenses, family of Rotary.
and funding from reserves of $2,895,00. 5. Strengthen existing relationships and
approved use of $123,952,000 from develop new partnerships that align with
unrestricted contribution for the 2023–24 our Action Plan.
Rotary Foundation programs budget; 6. Establish and nurture innovative clubs and
approved the 2024–26 PolioPlus Communications new participant engagement channels.
spending plan, totaling $2 million, of which 7. Increase awareness and understanding
50 percent shall be allocated to The Rotary of Rotary and our members' impact in
Foundation. communities locally and globally.
Decisions from the first meeting of the 2023–
24 Board
The Board 8. Enhance member engagement tools that
support clubs in meeting their members'
approved director Pat Merryweather-Arges
needs and increasing member retention.
as the 2023–24 Rotary International vice
9. Increase collaboration and connection
among participants, particularly Rotary
approved director Drew Kessler as the 2023–
and Rotaract clubs.
24 Rotary International treasurer;
10. Highlight opportunities offered through
agreed that Zones 1A, 3, 14, 18, 22, 29, 32,
Rotary to foster professional connections
and 34 shall select committees in 2023–24 to
and build leadership skills.
nominate RI directors to serve on the Board
beginning 1 July 2026 GOALS FOR PRIORITY 4 – INCREASE OUR
adopted the following 2024–25 annual goals ABILITY TO ADAPT
for Rotary International and The Rotary
11. Support regional adaptability by testing
innovative approaches to foster greater
GOALS FOR PRIORITY 1 – INCREASE collaboration and operating efficiencies.
OUR IMPACT 12. Support diversity, equity, and inclusion in
1. Eradicate polio, highlight Rotary's role, and our leadership and governance.
plan for a polio-free world.
2. Increase the overall giving to The Rotary 台灣扶輪月刊 譯 2023-7-28
Foundation and build the Endowment Fund 資料來源:Board Decisions May and "July" 2023
to $2.025 billion by 2025.
3. Encourage community assessments and about-rotary/board-decisions
measurement of projects and programs at
the club, district, and international level.
2023. 10-11 總監月刊