Page 16 - 3481_2023 總監月刊_10-11月合刊_電子檔
P. 16

14   地區事務相關

                               Board Decisions

                                           May and "July" 2023

            The 2022–23 RI Board of Directors met on 25      agreed that Rotary public image
            May 2023 and reviewed six committee reports     coordinators and district governors
            and recorded 28 decisions. The 2023–24          are responsible and accountable for
            Board met on 2 June 2023 to adopt various       maintaining brand fidelity in their
            operational decisions before taking office on 1   districts/regions;
            July, with such decisions being effective only      encouraged a culture of brand champions
            on 1 July.                                      among club leaders;
                                                              added Rotary image and brand compliance
            Administration                                  goals to the Goal Center on Rotary Club

            The Board                                       Central to foster brand compliance
                                                            accountability among Rotary club leaders;
            made  several  amendments  to  its  policy
                                                              requested that only those clubs (or Rotary-
            regarding Rotary institutes to increase their
                                                            affiliated entities) that are brand compliant
            overall effectiveness as learning events and
                                                            be featured in Rotary media outlets;
            to provide for regional flexibility to best meet
                                                              agreed that all Rotary events be “on brand”
            local Rotarian needs;
                                                            compliant and requested the general
            agreed that the top six candidates for
                                                            secretary to enforce this brand compliance.
            president identified  by the Nominating
            Committee for RI President will be funded     Clubs and Districts
            to travel to One Rotary Center for in-person
                                                          The Board
            amended its policy regarding “non-compliant”
            clubs to include any club where 30 percent or   placed the clubs in Belarus into non-districted
            more of its members are not paid subscribers   status and extended “additionally-supported”
            to a Rotary magazine;                         status to District 2232 (Ukraine);
            approved a US$0.50 subscription price         encouraged districts to organize district-wide
            increase per issue of Rotary magazine;        “prospective member” information meetings
            in recognizing that consistent brand          and orientation events for new members.
            messaging and visual identity are critical to   Meetings
            improving awareness and understanding of
                                                          The Board
                urged that “visual identity” be part of      reminded 2025 Council representatives to
               Rotary training for club presidents, district   consider the impact any proposed legislation
               governors, and public image coordinators;  at the Council may have on Rotaract.

            總監月刊  2023. 10-11
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