Page 5 - 3481_2023 總監月刊_8-9月合刊_電子檔
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國際 RI 與總監事務 3

                                                            Our worldwide community and our
            In the spirit of caring                       foundational value prioritizing Service
                                                          Above Self makes Rotary a powerful global
                                                          advocate for mental health. A recently
                                                          published study by Ohio State University
                 t the 2023 Rotary International          found performing acts of kindness was
            A Convention in Melbourne, I asked all        the only one of three mental health
            Rotary members to become champions in         interventions tested that helped people
            our effort to illuminate mental health needs   feel more connected to others. Study co-
            near and far. This includes helping one       author David Cregg said, “Performing acts
            another feel more supported, advocating for   of kindness seems to be one of the best ways
            mental health services, and building bridges   to promote those connections.”
            with experts in the field to expand access to   This research suggests what we’ve known
            treatment.                                    all along — that doing good helps transform
               It’s an important task and a big ask. But   not just the communities we serve, but it
            it’s also something that should feel familiar   also transforms us. As we put a greater focus
            to every Rotary member — because              on mental health, let’s not think of this effort
            everything we do is in the spirit of caring,   as something new to Rotary, but rather as
            giving, friendship, and compassion, and has   something we can do better and as a result
            been from the beginning of our organization.  have a greater impact on ourselves and the
               We’ve grown into an amazing global         people we serve.
            network of 1.4 million interconnected           We are not starting this effort from
            community leaders — leaders who share         scratch. The Rotary Action Group on
            a deep commitment to doing good in the        Mental Health Initiatives has been focused
            world. But what makes Rotary powerful         on these kinds of issues for several years,
            isn’t just what we do for the communities     and we will be looking to members of that
            we serve. We also support and empower         group for leadership as we continue to build
            each other, by creating a safe space for our   awareness.
            members to bring their whole, authentic         Mental health care fits comfortably within
            selves. We show each other comfort and        several of our areas of focus. As of May,
            care.                                         there are 41 global grant-supported projects
               These connections are deeply meaningful.   with a mental health focus. Many of them
            The U.S. surgeon general recently declared    have tremendous promise, and we will be
            loneliness a public health epidemic. Dr.      highlighting them in the months ahead.
            Vivek Murthy said, “We must prioritize          So let’s work together to erase the stigma
            building social connection the same way       associated with emotional well-being,
            we have prioritized other critical public     raise awareness of mental health needs,
            health issues such as tobacco, obesity, and   and improve access to preventive and
            substance use disorders.” I am proud of what   interventional mental health services.
            Rotary has done across generations to build     Together, we will Create Hope in the World.
            those kinds of social connections — and
            this magazine focused on loneliness and
            what Rotary can do about it in its January    R. GORDON R. MCINALLY
            2023 issue.                                   President, Rotary International

                                                                                     2023. 8-9  總監月刊
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