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                                                                        MONTHLY NEWSLETTER  總監
                                                                        President’s message  月刊

            Dear fellow Rotarians,

                 uring  2019-2020,  I  am  encouraging  Rotarians  and
            D Rotaractors to grow Rotary. We must grow our service, we            I am asking every
            must grow the impact of our projects, but, most importantly,            club to form an
            we must grow our membership so that we can achieve more.            active membership

              Let us try a new approach to membership, one that is more
            organized and strategic. I am asking every club to form an
            active membership committee consisting of people of different
            backgrounds who will look methodically at the leadership of
            the community.

              Your club's membership committee will then apply Rotary's
            classification system  — designed to ensure that the range of
            professions in your community is well represented — to identify
            potential leaders with the skill, the talent, and the character
            that  will  strengthen  your  club.  If  your  club's  membership                President, Rotary  International  2019-20
            committee  is  unsure  how  to  proceed,  look  to  the  club
            membership committee checklist on for clearly                Mark Daniel Maloney
            defined steps to organizing its work.

              How else will we connect to grow Rotary? We will also form
            new types of clubs     — either independent clubs or satellite
            clubs   — with different meeting experiences and engaging
            service opportunities, not just where there is no Rotary, but also
            where Rotary is already thriving. No Rotary club in the world
            can possibly serve all segments of its community. Therefore, we
            must organize new clubs to engage the community leaders
            who cannot connect with our existing clubs.

              Growing Rotary is all about taking the connections that make
            our organization unique in the world and strengthening and
            multiplying them. Let us commit ourselves to growing Rotary
            and to welcoming the next diverse generation of women and
            men as Rotary Connects the World.

                                                                                 2018 . 8 月號    3
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