充滿活力且在社區執行改善人們的生活的扶輪社, 能夠達成扶輪策略計劃的三項優先目標:支持及强 化扶輪社、聚焦及增加人道服務以及提升扶輪的公 共形象及對扶輪的認識。
今年的社長獎表彰達成並支持上述三項優先目標的 扶輪社。所有的扶輪社有一整年度(2017年7月1 日至2018年6月30日)完成社長獎的目標。
歲軟扶輪可藉由數據檔審核多項目標, 但有一些目 標則需扶輪社將報告輸入Rotary Club Central( 扶輪社中央系統)、Rotary Showcase(扶輪展示 窗)和Rotary Ideas (扶輪好點子),以供審核。
地區總監亦可在線上查看扶輪社的進展情形。同時,我也要求每一位總監定期與扶輪社聯絡,協助 各社達成目標,改善世界。
詳細資訊請參考: www.rotary.org/presidential-citation 。
若有任何問題, 請洽: riawards@rotary.org 。
■ 按時繳納2017年7月和2018年1月的扶輪社繳費通知的款項。
■ 請在Rotary Club Central( 扶輪社中央系統)報告為義工活動所花的時間及資助服務計畫的捐獻,以供我們衡量扶輪在全球各地造福人群的成果,宣揚扶輪對世界的影響力。
■ 持有各種不同的見解及背景的社員能推動嶄新的想法,從多元的角度理解社區的需求。為了強化扶輪社改善世界的能力,貴社必須鼓勵社員積極參與,貢獻各自的才能和興趣並對扶輪的未來提供寶貴的意見。增進社員的發展,多元化及參與。
■ 在Rotary Club Central(扶輪社中央系統)設定至少十個目標。
■ 更新或規劃貴社的策略計畫。請將計劃輸入Rotary Club Central(扶輪社中央系統)報告。
■ 社員人數的淨增。社員人數不滿50名的扶輪社,其2018年7月1日的人數必須較2017年7月1日的人數增加至少1 名,而社員人數為51名或以上的扶輪社則必須增加至少2名。
■ 女性社員人數的淨增。社員人數不滿50名的扶輪社必須增加至少1名女性社員,而人數為51名或以上的扶輪社則必須增加至少2名女性社員。
■ 不滿40歲的社員的淨增。所謂不滿40 歲的社員為:1977年7月1日以後出生,而在2017年7月1日至2018年7月1 日之間入社者。社員人數不滿50名的扶輪社必須增加至少1名不滿40歲的社員;而人數51名或以上的社必須增加至少2 名不滿40 歲的社員。
■ 社員參與社例會之外的活動。在Rotary ClubCentral(扶輪社中央系統)記錄至少一個社交活動,或記錄貴社有超過百分之五十的社員參加了社的服務活動。
■ 贊助或共同贊助組織新社或扶輪社區服務團隊,以擴展扶輪在社區的參與。請填妥組織扶輪社區服務團隊的表格,提交國際扶輪。一旦新社提交申請表,扶輪將之通知贊助社。
■ 贊助或共同贊助組織扶輪少年服務團或扶輪青年服務團促使年輕人參與扶輪。請將贊助或共同贊助組織扶少團或扶青團的表格寄送interact@rotary.org 或 rotaract@rotary.org。
■ 扶輪社藉由促進和平、對抗疾病、提供清潔的飲用水、拯救母親和兒童、支援教育、發展經濟、保護環境及根除小兒麻痺等社區及國際性的服務計畫來應對全球的人道挑戰。
■ 藉由扶輪社員、年輕人、扶輪前受獎人及參加扶輪活動或六個焦點領域專案或捐助扶輪基金會的人士來改善本地和全球各地的社區。
■ 贊助或請扶輪社員參加有關根除小兒麻痺的籌款或倡導活動。請看endpolio.org的活動資源。請將活動成果張貼Rotary Showcase( 扶輪展示窗) 的小兒麻痺類別。
■ 以贊助至少一件全球獎助金計畫或地區獎助金計畫與扶輪基金會合作。贊助方法請參考www.rotary.org/grants。
■ 執行至少一件以保環為主的計畫專案。請將專案活動輸入Rotary Showcase( 扶輪展示窗) 的environment ( 保環) 類別報告。
■ 攜手合作,改善更多。與貴地域內其他的扶輪社合作來擴展計畫的規模並增進公眾對扶輪的認識。請將活動輸入Rotary Club Central( 扶輪社中央系統)或Rotary Showcase(扶輪展示窗) 報告。
■ 邀請扶輪家庭參與有持續性的服務計畫。鼓勵扶青團,扶少團和扶輪社區服務團的團員或者扶輪前受獎人參加扶輪社的服務專案和活動。請將活動輸入Rotary Club Central(扶輪社中央系統)報告。
■ 為了協助扶輪實施更多專案,請將貴社捐獻扶輪基金會的捐款較2016-17年度的捐款增加至少百分之十(依照當地貨幣)。請將結果輸入Rotary ClubCentral(扶輪社中央系統)報告。
■ 增加捐獻美金25元或以上給扶輪基金會的社員人數。
■ 確保每位社員捐獻年度基金美金100 元。
■ 使用扶輪的群眾外包平台「扶輪點子」資助社區或國際服務專案,或者為貴社的服務專案尋求資源。
■ 正面的公共形象加深貴社與社區的關係,吸引潛在社員。講述貴社實施的專案造福人群的感人故事來提升貴社的公共形象並加強公眾對扶輪的認識。
■ 在所有的傳訊活動上, 使用扶輪的品牌準則、樣本及其他資源,以強化扶輪的形象。有關這些資源,請參照www.rotary.org/brandcenter。 請將活動輸入Rotary Club Central( 扶輪社中央系統) 報告。
■ 為了宣傳貴社的活動,定期更新貴社的網站和社群媒體帳戶。使用扶輪的品牌和傳訊資源描述扶輪在本地及世界各地的影響力. 請將活動輸入Rotary Club Central( 扶輪社中央系統) 報告。
■ 主辦並推廣世界根除小兒麻痺日的社區活動,並將之輸入endpolio.org。
■ 至少舉辦一次以專業人士為對象的交流活動,邀請社區人士參加。
■ 與一個或多個企業、政府機構或非政府組織建立或維續夥伴關係來實施計畫專案。請將所行專案輸入Rotary Club Central(扶輪社中央系統)報告。
■ 主辦座談會或研習會來討論社區認為重要的問題,並強調貴社如何協助各界人士共同尋求解決法。請將此活動輸入Rotary Club Central(扶輪社中央系統) 報告。
■ 要求媒體報導貴社的計畫專案,活動或籌款活動。請將活動輸入Rotary Club Central(扶輪社中央系統)報告。
■ 為了促進和平及培養未來的領導人,派遣或接待至少一位扶輪青少年交換學生或贊助至少一位年輕人參加RYLA活動。請將活動輸入Rotary Club Central ( 扶輪社中央系統) 報告。
■ Pay your July 2017 and January 2018 club invoices on time.
■ Report volunteer hours and service project contributions in Rotary Club Central. This allows us to measure and publicize Rotary's impact around the world.
Having members with different perspectives and backgrounds fuels innovation and gives your club a broader understanding of your community's
needs. To strengthen your club and its ability to make apositive difference, involve members, use their unique skills and interests, and give them a voice in the club's future.
Increase club membership, diversity, and engagement.
Achieve at least 4 of the following goals:
■ Set at least 10 goals in Rotary Club Central.
■ Update or develop your club's strategic plan. Report your achievement in Rotary Club Central.
■ Achieve a net gain in membership. Clubs with up to 50 members must have at least one more member listed in Rotary's records on 1 July 2018 than they did on 1 July 2017; clubs with 51 or more members must have at least two more members listed in Rotary's records.
■ Achieve a net gain in female members. Clubs with up to 50 members must gain at least one female member; clubs with 51 or more members must gain at least two female members.
■ Achieve a net gain in members under age 40. Members who were born after 1 July 1977 and join between 1 July 2017 and 1 July 2018 count.Clubs with up to 50 members must gain at least one member under age 40; clubs with 51 or more members must gain at least two members under age 40.
■ Engage members in activities outside regular club meetings. In Rotary Club Central, either record at least one club social activity or indicate that more than 50 percent of your club's members participated in club service activities.
■ Sponsor or co-sponsor a new Rotary club or a Rotary Community Corps to expand Rotary's reach in your community. To sponsor an RCC, complete the Rotary Community Corps organization form and submit it to RI. Clubs that sponsor new Rotary clubs will be reported when the new club submits the application.
■ Sponsor or co-sponsor an Interact or Rotaract club to involve young people in Rotary. Report by submitting the Interact and Rotaract Sponsorship and Co-Sponsorship form to interact@rotary.org orrotaract@rotary.org.
Through local and international service projects,clubs address global humanitarian challenges by promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, protecting the environment, and ending polio. Make a difference in your community and across the globe by engaging Rotarians, young people, Rotary alumni, and the public in Rotary programs, our six areas of focus, and Rotary Foundation giving opportunities.
Achieve at least 4 of the following goals:
■ Sponsor, or have club members participatein, a polio-related fundraising or awareness event. Find resources at endpolio.org. Report your achievement by posting the event on Rotary Showcase, using the polio category.
■ Partner with The Rotary Foundation by sponsoring at least one project funded by a global grant or a district grant. Find out how at www.rotary.org/grants.
■ Carry out at least one project focused on the environment. Report in Rotary Showcase, using the environment category.
■ Make a bigger difference by working together. Collaborate with other Rotary clubs in your regionto increase a project's scope and visibility. Report in Rotary Club Central or Rotary Showcase.
■ Include the family of Rotary in sustainable projects. Involve Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Community Corps members, or Rotary alumni in club projects and events. Report in Rotary Club Central.
■ Help Rotary do more by increasing your club's total giving to The Rotary Foundation by at least 10 percent over 2016-17, as calculated in your local currency. Report in Rotary Club Central.
■ Increase the number of members who give US$25 or more to any Rotary Foundation fund.
■ Attain a minimum Annual Fund contribution of US$100 per capita.
■ Use Rotary's crowdsourcing platform, Rotary Ideas, to contribute to a project or seek resources for your club s local or international projects.
A positive public image improves your club's relationship with your community and attracts prospective members.
Enhance your club's public image and build awareness of Rotary in your community by telling compelling stories about club activities that are
making a positive difference.
Achieve at least 4 of the following goals:
■ Use Rotary's brand guidelines, templates, and other resources in all your communications to strengthen Rotary's image.
Find them at www.rotary.org/ brandcenter. Report in Rotary Club Central.
■ Regularly update your club website and social media accounts to showcase club activities and illustrate Rotary's impact both locally and throughout the world. Report in Rotary Club Central.
■ Host and promote a community event to support World Polio Day, and register it on endpolio.org.
■ Engage your community by hosting at least one networking event for local professionals, community organizations, or Rotary alumni. Report in Rotary Club Central.
■ Establish or continue a partnership with one or more corporate or government entities or nongovernmental organizations and work on a project together. Report in Rotary Club Central.
■ Host a community forum or seminar about an issue that's important in your community; highlight your club's work to bring people together to find solutions. Report in Rotary Club Central.
■ Have local media cover a club project, event, or fundraiser. Report in Rotary Showcase or Rotary Club Central.
■ Promote peace and develop future leaders by sponsoring or hosting at least one Rotary Youth Exchange student or sponsoring at least one participant in a RYLA event. Report in Rotary Club Central.