Page 5 - 3481_2024 總監月刊_2-3月合刊_電子檔
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國際 RI 與總監事務 3

            A virtuous cycle

               am enthused and encouraged by your         U.S. surgeon general has even declared it an
            I  embrace of mental health initiatives       epidemic. Mental health experts agree that
            throughout the Rotary world. More than        finding groups and clubs around common
            1,000 of you have responded so far to an      hobbies and interests is a strong way to
            ongoing survey by the Rotary Action Group     create greater connectedness. This is what
            on Mental Health Initiatives, offering your   Rotary is all about. We need to make sure all
            feedback on what Rotary can do to improve     of our members are fully engaged and that
            the personal well-being of members.           our communities are better aware of this
               The top suggestions are illuminating.      inherent strength.
            Rotary members are asking for more              Second, if your club has found new ways
            fellowship, camaraderie, conversation,        to build connection, please share your
            cohesiveness, and connection. They also       stories with us at
            want more recognition, validation, and        so we can make them more broadly known
            integration.                                  within the Rotary world. Your good ideas
               They are seeking more service opportunities,   might inspire others. Post your service
            and they want more wellness activities,       project stories on Rotary Showcase.
            including mental health speakers, awareness     And finally, I encourage you to share
            efforts, and education. Our members           feedback from surveys like this with your
            not only appreciate the greater focus on      club and bring forward your own ideas to
            mental health, but they also believe that     improve your club experience and meet
            making more of the Rotary experience          your peers’ expectations. The journey we
            will materially improve their lives. I find   have begun is about more than mental
            it interesting that members are not asking    health. It is about taking advantage of the
            anything dramatically new of their club —     full strength of our wonderful organization
            rather they want more of what we do best.     and helping all members feel that they are
            For example, connection can be improved       part of a community that cares deeply about
            during meetings simply by assigning seating   their personal well-being.
            once each month to encourage people to          Everything you do to strengthen
            speak with someone new.                       connections in Rotary, with each other and
               Here are some great ways that we can       the people we serve, also helps improve
            help achieve these results and make Rotary    mental health. And everything we do to
            more appealing to those considering           improve mental health helps strengthen
            membership. First, we need to acknowledge     those connections. Let’s continue this
            the importance of increasing belonging in     virtuous cycle.
            our clubs and to encourage Rotary members
            to make the most of every opportunity
            for new and stronger connections. Public
            health experts worldwide are concerned        R. GORDON R. MCINALLY
            about increasing levels of loneliness— the    President, Rotary International

                                                                                     2024. 2-3  總監月刊
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