
因為,在這一年, 117年以來,國際扶輪誕生了第一位女性的總社社長. RI社長Jennifer Jones帶著全球扶輪人的期待,給予了新的年度一句口號: Imagine Rotary,中文翻譯為『想像扶輪』.



疫情為我們帶來的一課是什麼?所有以為不可能的,都要變成可能,不適應的,都要慢慢接受,我們除了更謙卑,更自省,更節制自己的慾望與貪求,是不是應該更加尊重,打從心裡的尊重自己以外的萬物呢?扶輪所倡導的DEI(Diversity. Equity. Inclusion)多元.平等.包容,說的是我們面對如此高比例的扶輪新家人,甚至還未能有機會了解真正的扶輪文化,應該用尊重與平等的心去對待,而對於自己,不管是資深或是新進,身為一個扶輪社友,就應該以四大考驗,來時時檢視自己,而不是拿來要求他人.當越來越多人的標準提高,彼此之間相互以平等心尊重,那麼,我們會有怎樣的扶輪體驗呢?想必,會是更有品質,也更正向的吧!




2022-23年度地區總監 邱文麗 DG Wendy

RY2022-23 will be a memorable year to most Rotarians! This year, Rotary International has its first female president in 117 years. With full anticipation from Rotarians around the world, RI President Jennifer Jones announced the theme of the year: “Imagine Rotary.”

The number of global membership of Rotary has stayed the same for the past 10 years. Rotary International keeps calling for membership growth and new clubs establishment every year yet it seems a zero sum game. I wonder if you would feel that we have been working in vain. It would be of no regret if we have retained more quality members, while those who have left are the ones who do not comply with the core values of Rotary. Yet it may not always be the case.

Being 5 years old, District 3481 is at a critical stage. In the past 5 years, thanks to the great tradition inherited from D3480, and with the efforts of all district governors, club presidents, and Rotarians in the past 5 years, our district has achieved great numbers in terms of clubs and membership. A closer look shows that 1/3 of the members joined their clubs within 3 years, 1/3 of the clubs were established within 5 years, and the membership retention rate in June was 91.65%. It calls for our attention: are our members happy with their Rotary life and Rotary experience?

What has the Covid pandemic taught us? We learned to turn what was considered impossible to possible, and to adapt what seemed to be unadaptable. Besides being more humble, more introspective, and restraining more of our own desires, shouldn’t we be more respectful to everyone around us from the bottom of our hearts? The DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) advocated by Rotary means that when facing such a high proportion of new members in our Rotary family who have not even had the opportunity to understand the true Rotary culture, we should treat them with respect and equity. And as Rotarians, whether senior or new, we should always use the 4-way test to reflect on ourselves instead of examining others. What kind of Rotary experience would it be if more people have raised their standards and treat each other with respect and equity? I suppose it will be a more quality and more positive one!

Everyone joins Rotary for different reasons and expectations, and imagines Rotary in different ways. Let us take on our joint responsibilities. Let different generations flourish in harmony. Let our diverse backgrounds enrich our Rotary life while keeping our unchanged high ethical value.

We, the RY2022-23 team, are a superhuman team. Not only should we have superhuman abilities in adapting to changes in the environment, but we should also have the courage and determination to stand up and take responsibility at any time. That is what a superhuman team should be.

In a generation linking the past and the future, I put forward the goal of "Pass on the legacy of Rotary to benefit all generations". It is hoped that every member of the Superhuman team is fully aware of his/her mission as a Rotarian is to pass on without compromise the precious core value of Rotary to future generations, not just for the benefit of you or me, but for the benefit of all.

For the brand new Rotary year 2022-23, I sincerely hope that we will keep extending the cycle of goodness and jointly realize a Rotary era worthy of our cherishing.

Wendy Chiu
District Governor