Page 5 - 3481_2023 總監月刊_10-11月合刊_電子檔
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國際 RI 與總監事務 3

                                                            Since then, the project has brought on
            Mental health and your club                   new supporters and is now fully funded

                                                          with a $500,000 endowment. Investment
                                                          income from this endowment will support
                  ear fellow Rotary members,              a fellow — a psychologist or psychiatrist
            D The World Health Organization               — at Children’s Hospital. A new fellow
            designates 10 October as World Mental         will be named every one to two years,
            Health Day, and with Rotary placing a         beginning spring of 2024. Over time this
            special focus on mental health this year,     will create a cohort to bolster the mental
            I would like to help answer the question      health workforce, treating kids from all 64
            posed to me most often when I travel to       Colorado counties and neighboring states.
            meet members: How can my club get               There are many more great mental health
            started?                                      project stories on Rotary Showcase, and I
               There are some wonderful examples of       invite you to share your experiences as you
            Rotary members taking action already. In      begin your own projects. Also, please reach
            the Philippines, the Rotary Club of Tiaong-   out to with any
            Hiyas held a 12-week health challenge for     thoughts or ideas you would like to share
            mothers in the community to promote some      about mental health in the Rotary world.
            baseline health screenings and coaching on a    On 10 October, I will host a Facebook
            healthier lifestyle.                          Live event when we will recognize World
               By the end of the challenge, the mothers   Mental Health Day and further explore how
            had a special bond and decided to form a      Rotary members can begin this journey. But
            Rotary Community Corps called Ilaw ng         I would like to leave you with one way every
            Tahanan (“one who lights up the home”)        Rotary member can make a difference.
            with the goal of involving more mothers in      Right now, there is someone you know
            health education and wellness support —       in the Rotary world — in your club, from
            and later youth services, teen pregnancy      a project you’ve worked on, in a Rotary
            prevention, and help with unhealthy           Fellowship or Rotary Action Group — who
            substance use. Almost a year later, the RCC   could use a little more of your time and
            is preparing to open its own health center    attention. Rotary is this great gift of global
            where mothers can come for peer-to-peer       friendship, and that also means being there
            support.                                      for each other.
               Another strong example is in Colorado.       Discovering the human connections
            In the fall of 2021, a small group of         that bind us is what we do through our
            stakeholders from the Rotary Club of          membership every day. It’s what Rotary has
            Highlands Ranch formed the Rotary Clubs       always been about, and we can build on it by
            of Colorado Endowed Fellowship for            helping each other find peace at home.
            Pediatric Mental Health, which enhances         We need to learn how to ask not just “How
            the ability of Children’s Hospital Colorado   are you?” but also “How are you really?”
            to recruit and train pediatric psychiatry     By doing so, Rotary can continue to Create
            providers and allows the hospital network     Hope in the World.
            to make additional appointments. This
            increases access to mental health care for    R. GORDON R. MCINALLY
            children and decreases provider shortages.    President, Rotary International

                                                                                    2023. 10-11  總監月刊
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